Red Lion ROARS is thrilled present a brand new mural at the square of Red Lion! Our goal was to create a welcoming new landmark to inspire hometown pride and speak to Red Lion’s unique character and history as a cigar factory town. Tetra Design Co of York, PA was commissioned to create this design, inspired by antique advertising typography like you’d see on an old cigar box. This project was made possible through the generosity of Red Lion ROARS’ community partners, Artemis Venues and Kocman Insurance Group, and by RAFINE, LLC who provided the wall space.
Red Lion is experiencing significant revitalization, with new restaurants, breweries, coffee shops, retail stores and luxury apartments popping up just in the last two years. Red Lion ROARS is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 2020 to support this economic development and encourage a comprehensive increase in arts, culture, recreation, and community services to match! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings.